Evaluating Disqus: Pros, Cons, and Performance Insights

Choosing the Right Commenting Platform: Is It Difficult?

There are many commenting platforms available that are already hosted, such as Disqus and Livefyre. You need to choose between free and paid options!

If you are using WordPress or any other CMS, it comes with a pre-built commenting system.

If you are dissatisfied with the default comment system, Disqus is an option. It is a global commenting system that improves discussion on websites and connects conversations across the web.


Disqus is a worldwide blog comment hosting service for websites and online communities that use a networked platform.

The company’s platform includes various features, such as social integration, social networking, user profiles, spam and moderation tools, analytics, email notifications, and mobile commenting.

Is Disqus Overrated?

Many negative comments about Disqus appear on review sites and discussion forums, claiming it is problematic and misleading.

Irritating Ads

Some users complain that Disqus promotes its content through blogs. This is a valid concern, but if you are not paying, ads are how they fund their service.

If you do not want ads displayed on your blog, consider opting for a paid plan. With a paid plan, you will not see any ads on your website.

There is even an option in your dashboard to control ads in your comments! You can disable ads within comments and below comments by going to Settings -> Ads in the Disqus Dashboard.

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Uncheck all available options to remove maximum ads from your comments!

Is Disqus Stealing Your Data?

I am not certain about what they do with our data. In 2017, Disqus was acquired by a data/marketing company called Zeta Global.

Since then, many Disqus users have left due to privacy concerns, although it remains the top commenting system available.

To my knowledge, not only Disqus but also other online services collect data. We cannot definitively say Disqus is worse in this regard.

You can opt out of data selling!

Disqus privacy opt-out

Is Disqus Slowing Your Website?

Yes, comments can slow down your website, especially when loading scripts like Disqus from external sources.

However, there is a solution!

Lazy Load Comments

You can lazy load comments to reduce page load times. This technique helps prevent issues with page speed.

If you are not using a CMS, you can read this article to learn how to lazy load Disqus with JavaScript on your website!

For WordPress users, there is a plugin called DCL (Disqus Conditional Load) to address loading issues!

DCL is an advanced version of the Disqus commenting system for WordPress, offering features like lazy loading and shortcodes to improve page speed.

Download this plugin from your WordPress dashboard and activate it with Disqus!

You can choose from ‘Lazy load comments’ or load comments by clicking the ‘Load comments’ button.

If you opt for their premium plan, comments will load after the first scroll, improving page speed and ensuring users do not see any blank space until the first scroll!

Page Performance after DCL

I recently installed the DCL WordPress plugin on this blog to conditionally load comments, and the results are impressive!

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You will not experience slow page speed or loading times. Additionally, you can achieve better scores in page speed and search engines.

Here is a result from GTmetrix for a blog post with up to 1,300 words after implementing the DCL plugin for WordPress!

Loaded in 2.2 Seconds

Here Are the Pros

Believe it or not, I actually think Disqus has many advantages over native comments.

Personally, I or my friends may only comment if the Disqus comment system is available on a website.

Disqus Is Simple and Free

It is simple to use in any CMS or even in custom-made blogs! Once set up, it is very easy to use and functions well.

It can be installed for free on any type of website. However, you may encounter ads or affiliate links if you are not a paying customer.

This is a common trade-off and not a significant issue, as mentioned above. Just pay if you need the full functionality of this wonderful commenting platform!

Reduce 99% of Spam

Spam is a major issue in comment moderation. Even with configured spam filters, spam comments can still appear.

Disqus simplifies spam management, allowing you to focus on other tasks without wasting time on spam cleanup.

You can have multiple moderators on your site to help manage spam and junk comments. Having multiple moderators makes it easier for readers to see that their comments are being addressed.

By default, Disqus places a “mod” icon next to moderator names, which can be customized in the Disqus admin settings.

Social Login

Social login makes it easier for users to log in and manage their comments if they have logged in with their profile.

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Some people discourage using Disqus, claiming it causes users to abandon your site because they cannot comment anonymously.

This is not true. You can enable guest commenting, allowing users without accounts to comment!


Disqus is the best, most popular, and #1 commenting system available online without any cost. It helps your community grow and increases engagement.

You won’t find a completely free service without some compromise. Understand that nothing is truly free; everything has a cost. Therefore, you cannot blame providers for offering a free service.

I am not suggesting that you should replace your default native comments. I was initially confused by negative reviews of Disqus but found it to be excellent after conducting my own experiment.

After installing the DCL plugin, my website scored 99 in page speed!

If you set things up properly, you won’t have to blame others. If you can’t, don’t blame others without reason.

In terms of page speed, there is no need to replace this excellent commenting system if you use the DCL WordPress plugin.

I am not deeply informed about privacy issues with Disqus. If privacy is a significant concern, consider this before using it. However, Page speed and Disqus will not have the negative correlation others claim if you use the DCL WordPress plugin!

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