How to never run out of blog ideas and avoid lack of topics

Lack of blog Topics?

This condition might be familiar to some of the hobby bloggers, it may have happened atleast sometime in your blogging journey and it is not that good for a consistent blogger.

Every blogger hopes to publish posts on a basis of daily, weekly or monthly, But sometimes it might not go as you expected and it will have an impact on your viewership if you fail to control it.

It is very normal for a blogger to have no contents remaining in their pocket for next updates, but we can avoid this problem by taking care of little things.

1. Perfect Niche

I know that you will never choose a niche in which you have no interest, but many people was told to choose profitable niche.

I cannot blame you for choosing a profitable niche, but you have no interest in it. Because Everyone needs to make money from blog whatever it costs.

And this behaviour is what we need to suspend from our mind. We just need to change our focus to blogging rather than money making.

Money will come without your consent if you choose to blog for visitors out there who are searching for genuine contents..

If you are just started your blog with niche that doesn’t meant for you, Change niche to your interests, so you will always have plenty of things to share with your audience.

There is no suprise in lacking of topics when you are not aware about choosing the right niche. Right niche means not the profitable niche. It is what topics you are interested to write and share to.

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2. Draft Posts

Whenever you get an Idea about what to post in next few weeks, you must draft your post title, and it helps to not forget the idea later.

This thing has helped me a lot [But 50+ More posts is on queue in my website as I drafted them. (It’s not because I am lacking contents, but LAZY)]

This is one thing that has always saved me from such a situation.

The drafting option is available on all existing CMS, So it does not need to be a special headache .. For those who do not know how to draft, Here is the: LINK To Know How to Post as draft in WordPress

3. Research

I believe this is something you all know. Researching not only overcomes this one issue but also add more knowledge to you and contents you wants to create for your audience.

While some may not know how to do research, reading is the best research method. when you were have any doubts, you will search on Google, likewise Also try to find a new topics through it.

Exploring such knowledge should help you find a new topic and draft any idea that comes to mind without wasting any minute.

And then you will see the drafted posts whenever you visit your website dashboard and will not forget add contents to it.

If you do not even have anything to research, you can search for keywords related to your blog niche!

Here is the link to Ahref’s Keyword Generator which will help you in getting keyword ideas and also in SEO:

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4. Ask Followers

You can always ask your audience, “What kind of topic do you want?” And There is no need to feel ashamed of it because your role is to publish what they want.

You will have many social media accounts so that you can find the topic. You can ask the help of the followers in it or ask the opinion of the people and ask what they want next in your blog.

That is also a reliable audience engaging factor that will boost your SEO and Connection with your audience.

This helps to Audience trusts you more when you publish contents what they are suggesting or requested. And By this, you can avoid lack of blog topics in such beneficial way.


As far as I Know, Commited and dedicated bloggers will always try to research for blog topics and keywords that might boost audience, seo and income. Do try your own keyword research and topic suggestions.

Do not forget to share this article with your fellow bloggers.

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