Why I’m Turning Comments Off in my Blog?

Comments are on again for many reasons. Thank you.

Are Comments Really Important for a Blog?

For the majority of bloggers, yes. However, I have chosen to turn off the comment section for several reasons.

Comments Are Important

For many bloggers, who can moderate and have a blog that truly benefits from a comment section, comments are essential.

My blog is not different from others that need a comment section for user interaction. However, I have chosen an alternative way to interact with my online friends.

I used to believe that comments are a right of visitors who return to our blog for new articles, and I still believe that. However, the current situation does not allow me to enable it. I apologize for this.

Spam Comments

The primary reason is the spam that inundates my blog posts. Spammers have become very sophisticated, making it difficult to distinguish between genuine comments and spam.

I used to respond to spam while ignoring real comments due to my lack of knowledge about spam and commenting systems.

Most comments I received were from other bloggers or individuals promoting their own links rather than providing meaningful feedback on the articles.

I configured Disqus, Facebook, and Livefyre to combat spam, but escaping spam entirely is impossible.

As mentioned in my previous post, while 99% of spam can be reduced using systems like Disqus or Facebook comments, I don’t want even the remaining 1% of spam on my site.

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I’m not a big fan of third-party comment systems. I have tried many plugins, setups, and configurations to block spam, but have not been successful. It may be due to my lack of expertise in solving this issue, but there are other valid reasons as well.

Comments Aren’t Traffic

Some believe that comments drive traffic. However, research by HubSpot, which analyzed over 100,000 blog posts, found no correlation between comments and either links or page views. The data shows that blog comments are not correlated with increased traffic.

Comments Aren’t Required

You don’t need to ask questions or discuss matters directly through blog posts. You can contact me via my official social media pages!

I see many websites with long comment threads full of variations of “hello,” “It’s good,” or “It’s informative.” Typical comments like “Very well,” “Very good,” or “Good information” are not important for anyone except the blog owner. Therefore, they are not relevant to our blog.

I personally think comments like these are outdated and do not contribute to a blog’s traffic, ranking, or user experience.

The Alternative

People are increasingly having conversations on social media instead of in blog comments.

If you want to contact me, you can use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and others where I am more active.

We can build our community through social media, which is better for online conversations.

Are Blog Comments on the Verge of Extinction?

I love receiving comments on my blog. However, there are many reasons for not allowing them, and most online readers do not tend to comment.

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That said, there are many websites and blogs where visitors frequently leave reviews. Comments are important for such blogs, and I don’t believe they are on the verge of extinction.

If my blog starts receiving more traffic and genuine comments that are helpful to others, I might consider re-enabling the comment section.

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