A sound in the silence

I came back home after months of study
Hoping to find some peace and rest
But my room was cold and void of life
As if it had been long left

The only sound that broke the silence
Was a lizard on the wall
He made noises like he wanted to talk
But I ignored his call

He kept on making his chill sounds
As if he had something to say
I was amazed and curious
I had never heard a lizard this way

I asked him questions about his life
But I couldn’t understand his reply
I wondered what he meant by his sounds
Did he miss me or did he defy?

He looked shiny in the dim light
His eyes were sharp, his voice was deep
He moved his head and stretched his legs
He seemed to have a secret to keep

I listened and observed him so closely
That I felt a connection with him
He was talking to me and I to him
It was a moment of magic and whim

We talked for long until I fell asleep
But when I woke up he was gone
I searched for him in every place
But he had left me alone

I felt a change in my face
A sadness in my eyes
I felt a missing in my heart
A pang in my chest
I missed a lizard, a lizard who had talked to me
Why did he leave me? Why did he make me feel this way?

Irfan Habeeb
Irfan Habeeb

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