How to know which CMS is used by a website?

How to Find the CMS of a Website

Finding out which CMS (Content Management System) a website is using has become quite easy nowadays! Many specialists can identify the CMS just by looking at the layouts and themes of the website. However, some websites can be confusing.

I encountered a website with a URL ending in ‘?m=1’. At first, I thought it was a Blogger website. But the URL permalinks were customized. I then checked by entering ‘/wp-admin’ as a subfolder, but it returned a 404 error.

The themes and looks were customized, using a custom theme made specifically for them. This made it difficult to predict the CMS. Finally, I discovered it was powered by WordPress, as indicated in the footer section of the webpage.

But what if there is no footer section showing which CMS powers the site? How can we find out which CMS is being used?

Steps to Find Which CMS

1. Open the website
2. Enter the URL of the website you want to check.
3. Learn more about the hosting languages such as Python, PHP, and the database software being used.

which CMS

Have More Doubts About Anonymous Websites?

You can also find out the web hosting provider and which theme a website uses by following the same simple method.

You can find links to search for these details on the same website!

What CMS

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