How to get free domain names that is free for a lifetime?

Free domain

names can be easily registered. There are many websites providing free domain names for your web pages. They have advantages and sadly more disadvantages than cost price domain names!

Fact is cost price domains including .com, .net and others are very cheap and affordable to anyone. And there are many web hosting services who is providing domain name free with their hosting plans or for the first year.

Website is who is providing domain names for free for any individuals.

Freenom is the world’s first and only free domain provider. Their mission is to bring people online and help countries develop their digital economy.

By breaking barriers and integrating free domains with the latest website building and hosting technologies, Freenom makes it easy for any business or individual to build websites and content, at no cost.

Freenom can give you 5 types of domain names for free such as .tk, .ml, .gq, .ga, .cf and other similar domain names. You can also renew your domains for free without extra cost.

For those who are searching for a domain just to redirect can easily use these types of domain names. And it is not recommended for other types of websites.

Freenom also offer free hosting with this domain names. I got One page website configured with their CMS.

Anyway, as other free services, This domain provider also have many disadvantages and advantages.


1. Free domain names at no cost
2. Unlimited free renewals
3. Free hosting for one domain.
4. Instant domain access
5. You can change Name server and other settings
6. You can redirect domain to other
7. You can embed (frame) any domain with your domain

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1. You cannot host your website with some hosting providers as they will not accept free domain names.
2. You will not get priority for any search engines.
3. If you are using their one page template or framing, you cannot change your favicon
4. If you are applying for Adsense like ad networks or any affiliate services, they will not support free domain names

Domain names like these are not recommended for SEO and You cannot achieve higher rankings in search engines.

This type of domain names can be used for simple web pages that is simple profile or single pages you need to reffer your friends.

But many webmasters trying this domains with free hosting services to just experiment and learn!

There are many website builders who are providing free sub domain names such as Blogger, wix, wordpress, etc..

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