Download Igniplex: The Next level Premium Blogger Template!

Igniplex blogger template

Igniplex blogger template

Igniplex blogger template is the best paid template available for blogger websites. Igniplex is developed by Igniel for blogger users who mainly focusing on the users experience!

This is a Blogger (Blogspot) specific theme! Igniplex is one of the best Blogspot template recommendations. Like the tagline, for better user experience, Igniel made the Igniplex premium Blogger Theme to make it comfortable for visitors.

The design is simple, minimalist, clean, and doesn’t have many annoying knick knacks. Menu access is easy and navigation is painless.

This template is suitable for use in a variety of niches. Call it personal blogs, news, tutorials, and so on.


Can Choose Banner Display on

Users can choose between two banner displays on the homepage: slider or grid.

Multiple Grid Views

There are two types of article layouts on the homepage when opened in the mobile version: one grid or two grids.

Ease of Color and Font Customization

The Igniplex display can be changed via the Blogger Theme Designer, making it easier for users because they don’t need to edit from HTML code. Especially for those of you who are completely unfamiliar with HTML code, of course this feature is very helpful. You can easily adjust the color, font type, font size and other appearance from here.

Automatic Scripts and Widgets

Igniplex’s main features can be adjusted directly via Layout. Again, this is very convenient because there is no need to edit from HTML. The ad widget is also installed automatically, all you have to do is enter the ad code into the widget that has been marked and given a special color.

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Other Features and Benefits

1. Layout v3 and Widgets v2: This is the newest and most advanced version of the
Blogger template. So it is clear that it is very up to date.

2. Ad Position Guidelines Inside is a sign to place an ad. There are even advertisements that can be placed in the middle of an article automatically without the need to write additional scripts.

3. Pagination (Page Split) Content can be divided into multiple pages. Usually
this feature is in WordPress. But now Bloggers can try it using the Igniplex template.

4. Anti AdBlock: Bring up a notification when a visitor uses AdBlock.

5. Sticky Widget Widget is in a floating position and will stay on top even after scrolling down.

6. Super Light Seriously! This template is made with Javascript which is quite complex so that its function does not burden the template. The setup is easy even for those of you who can’t code.

7. SEO Friendly: No need to bother adding meta tags because It is optimized Plus the positive effect of the v3 layout is that the meta tags and built-in structure are already good from there.

8. Valid Google Structured Data: This data structure is important so that the blog can be more easily recognised by search engines.

9. Mobile Friendly and Responsive Now Google likes good blogs when opened on mobile. The Igniplex template is very responsive so it stays cool when opened on a variety of different device sizes.

10. Related Post Middle of Article and Bottom of Article: This is great for lowering the bounce rate.

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There are many more features such as;

° Infinite Scroll.
° Numbered Pages Navigation
° Custom Error Pages
° Blog Pager (Next Prev) with Article Title
° Breadcrumbs
° etc..


° Free Purchase (Template Is freely available in this store. Don’t know if it is for limited time!)
° Purchase From Ignial (Original)

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