My equation for freedom

A wise man once said, “I would be free if I could achieve it. Otherwise, I’d spend my entire life chasing it.” This statement stuck with me molding my understanding of freedom.

I don’t pursue a title or a typical dream—doctor, scientist, or pilot. My aim is straightforward: to gain freedom. But freedom comes at a cost, and for me, that cost is money. Not the kind that a comfortable five-digit salary brings. That won’t solve my life’s puzzle.

I call my quest Project Untied. It’s my own formula for freedom, with a goal I’ve chosen. Until I reach that goal, I’ll feel like I’m always running. I don’t just want to earn—I want to create something significant, something that gives me the control I desire.

At this moment, I stand at the beginning facing a goal that seems huge. But it’s not just about the number. It’s about escaping limits, from anything that restricts me.

Someday, I’ll reach that goal. Someday, I’ll at last break free. For now, it’s all-in or zilch. This is Project Untied. And I’m set to go..

Irfan Habeeb
Irfan Habeeb

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