Is Youtube Vanced Legal: Know more about Youtube Vanced

Youtube Vanced

Is a popular modded version of YouTube. It adds a number of features to the official YouTube app, including built-in adblocking, background playback, black/dark themes, and much more.

YouTube Vanced APP, also know as iYTBP (injected YouTube Background Playback) formerly developed by Master_T, a senior contributor on XDA forums has discontinued the project and some other developers have taken that project and renamed it as “Vanced”. Now the Team Vanced (@Razerman @ZaneZam @Laura almeida and @KevinX8) continuing it with official YouTube app updates.

The idea behind the project is based on an Xposed Module for YouTube Video Playback. Master_T (dev of the iYTBP) scraped all features from the Xposed Module and injected them into the original YouTube app just because in that time Xposed for Android Nougat was still in beta stage and took over year to initially release. That’s the reason why the iYTBP app developed with features of the Xposed module.

Is it legal?

Many of the developers says that it is not technically illegal to use Youtube Vanced! Because it is not modified the youtube website or its servers, but only its rendering in your device. And It is just an alternate app for youtube official App.

Some people say it is illegal by pointing out the Terms and Conditions of YouTube. Which you agree to comply with when you use the YouTube website. It states that you are not permitted to modify the how a site appears or works.

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YouTube could make a case on you for violating their terms of service where it says using third-party apps to access or modify the site is a violation.

Many users discussing about it in the online forums and saying it is completely legal to download and use youtube vanced. It may be legal or not legal. But you just need to understand that Legal is not same as complying with Terms of service of youtube or otherwise.

While it may be in a legal grey area, YouTube is well within their rights to terminate your account if you use the youtube vanced app.

Youtube Vanced Features

° Block all ads (togglable)
° Background Playback
° Force VP9 (or HDR) or vice versa
° Override Maximal Resolution
° Pinch to Zoom (for all devices)
° Casting Togglable (can be forced off)
° Toggle Themes (Black, Dark, White)
° PiP – Picture in Picture mode (Oreo only)
° Auto Repeat Feature
° Preferred Speed and Resolution

All these features are available in youtube red, A premium service provided by youtube to their paid subscribers.

I have few questions to ask you!

Do you think that blocking someone elses revenue is ethical? And it is also the application package that was not uploaded by known identity.

Whatever the legality of using vanced app, do you know how safe is this file installed in your device?

Just think about such things if you are really cared about your mobile phones security and data.

My Perception

Youtube Vanced may be safe and legal, but my view or my suggestion to you is different. I don’t encourage you to use this app. This app comes with no warranty to your account stability on google as you cannot appeal for your account in your future internet life.

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And if you are a partner or affiliate with google in any ways, means youtube, blogger, adsense, or any other service provided by google, You are in danger to use vanced app, that if google findout anyway that you are using this modded apk, your google account may be terminated without any reason and you cannot appeal for your account.

Just Respect the service provided by google and youtubers by not blocking their revenue.

I am a fan of google as how can i not became a fan of google, if i am spending almost half of my day with google services.

So my suggestion is ‘NO’ please don’t use the vanced apk if you are genuine and respecting the works of others. Take this as only my suggestion and you can take your own decision and may be you can have your own views and reasons to think otherwise!


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